Chattanooga Rescue Mission
Chattanooga, Tennessee

Our Purpose
Our Vision
Our Faith Statement
Philosophy of Ministry
HistoryMeet The Staff
How You Can Help
Online Donation


Chattanooga Rescue Mission

1512 S. Holtzclaw Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37404-4815

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3624
Chattanooga, TN 37404-0624

(423) 756-3126 Phone
(423) 756-1019 Fax

Click here to Email

Chattanooga Rescue Mission
Since 1975, the Chattanooga Rescue Mission has provided an emergency shelter for the homeless. At any given day, there are aproximately 600 people who are homeless in the greater Chattanooga area. Last year, this Christian-based outreach gave about 34,000 meals and supplied about 25,000 beds to people in need – all free of charge.

8th St. Property

For Sale

Our former facilities located at 922 and 924 E 8th St. are curently for sale. For more information, please contact our office at (423) 756-3126 or Click here to Email

Chattanooga Rescue Mission
We believe that God has given us the opportunity to serve Him by serving the homeless. Through the combined prayers and support of our local community, and with His leading, we endeavor to emulate the compassionate concern of Christ for the individual and to help them know that His resources are sufficient for every need.

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God; that it was written by men who were moved by the Holy Spirit so that their writings, in the original, were supernaturally and verbally inspired and free from error, as no other writings have ever been or ever will be. More >>

Chattanooga Rescue Mission
Before coming to the mission, William was a hardcore cocaine addict who was not only destroying his life, but the lives of his family also. After coming to know Christ as his Savior, William began to grow spiritually through our Bible classes and grew in knowledge and spiritual strength. After graduating from our Christian Life Program, he returned to his wife and children and is serving the Lord faithfully.

Jack came to the mission as a shelter guest. After sitting in our chapel services for three weeks, God touched his heart and he realized he needed to make some changes in his life. He joined our Christian Life Program and graduated with honors. He joined our staff as our kitchen manager and worked with us for two years before the Lord led him in another direction. Jack is now married with a home and job—and a life that honors the Lord.

Kevin came to the mission with a drug habit. Although Kevin knew he was saved, he also knew he needed to make some serious changes in his life. After being exposed to Godly people and great Bible teachers, he developed a zeal for the Word of God. Following graduation, Kevin spent two years in Bible school and is seeking God’s will for the future.

These are just three of the many testimonials of the ministry God has allowed us to have in the lives of those who have crossed the threshold of the Chattanooga Rescue Mission.